Monday, July 18, 2005

happy! happy! joy! joy!

... or "sometimes it snows on April".

April March is a cool lady.

She used to be one of the main animators on "Ren & Stimpy" (she also co-wrote and recorded "Don't Whizz On The Electric Fence" for the show and the theme tune for "I am Weasel"). She has recorded with Brian Wilson, Thee Headcoatees and Jonathan Richman, amongst others.

She has a bit of a thing for Yé Yé, a type of French pop music from the 60's...

April March - Cet Air La

She sometimes does English language versions of Serge Gainsbourg tunes...

April March - Chick Habit 

She has also recorded with genius eccentric songwriter/arranger Tim Hensley, about whom more in a future Domino Rally posting. This is where I first heard her doing very eccentric 50's pop tunes like...

April March - Stay Away From Robert Mitchum

Visit April March and buy her CDs.

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